How to build an SQL Project Portfolio?

Raghavan P
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Importance of SQL:

If you’re looking to get a job in any analytics role, then SQL/SeQueL skill is absolutely necessary. Most of the structured data is stored in any form of a relational database. In order to setup and query these databases, SQL is necessary.

As a data analyst, though you won’t be required to setup a database, you should know how to query the required data from a database using SELECT statements. So, building a project portfolio using SELECT statements coupled with other statements/methods like JOINs, CTEs, Sub-queries and Window functions would add a lot of value to your portfolio.

Benefits of SQL portfolio:

  • Necessary to stand-out in a highly competitive job environment
  • Makes the decision of hiring manager easier by building trust in your skills
  • Demonstrate your business knowledge by writing insightful SQL queries
  • Can be added in your resume
  • Could alse be used to get freelance projects

Step-by-step guide to create SQL portfolio:

  1. Take a public dataset from the internet (preferably ones having multiple tables).
  2. Import the dataset into an RDBMS tool (could be SSMS, MySQL, etc.) and create a database using it.
  3. First understand the data and then ask questions to your data (5–10 questions minimum). Eg: Top 5 populous countries, Regions where profits is less than 5M dollars, Salesperson with third highest sales value, etc.
  4. Convert these questions into SQL Queries and execute them to get the output. Add comments wherever necessary for others to understand the code.
  5. Create a GitHub repo for each project and upload the code. Use your Github profile as your SQL portfolio link. Check mine here.

Bonus tip

Create a ppt file with the questions you asked, query you wrote and output you got with screenshots. This adds a lot of value for the project and makes the portfolio viewer easily understand your project.

Do 3 projects in above format and I’m pretty sure that would make a good SQL portfolio!


If you’re not sure where to start, check out this guided SQL project by Alex Freberg on YouTube. He will explain how to get a dataset, import it into SSMS and start writing queries using them. Use it to understand the process and then repeat the steps with new datasets.

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Raghavan P
Raghavan P

Written by Raghavan P

Data Analyst at Ford Motor Company | Top Business Intelligence Voice on LinkedIn | Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analyst

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